Platform Integration

Platform Integration

Among the numerous computer software offered by BTEEM, Platform integration has come to be regarded by customers and engineers alike as the most complete computer software. BTEEM has succeeded in laying foundation for platform integration that enables customers to transform their small scale and large scale business into thriving new age enterprises. BTEEM employs modern solutions to interweave Mobile, web and technical system to carry out a concrete Platform integration. It is the next generation computer software that guarantees to integrate your technological platforms and implement formal guidelines to realize company goals.

As a sophisticated computer software that integrates the web applications with mobile technology, integration platform excels in integrating and developing intricate and intelligent applications. The integration solution serves as an avenue of software development and facilitates data exchanges taking place between business partners. In addition to integrating workflows in your enterprise, Platform integration also allows users to swiftly move their business data in and out of multiple data sources. One of the benefits of integrating web applications with mobile technology is that it will simplify the process of integration and improves the chances of productive collaborations between like-minded users.

The advent of the BI integrated applications

The advent of the BI integrated applications has meant that users no longer face limits on performing BI task on their mobile phones. Integration of BI application with Mobile has helped users to transcend the bounds of their enterprise’s material existence. The Mobile devices which support business intelligence platform help the users to analyze multi-dimensional applications. BI software provides all users with unfettered access to innumerable applications on their mobiles.

BI application integrated with mobile also offers the most reliable means of data examination to solve problems and take prompt decisions. Due to Business Intelligence’s emergence as many enterprises’ technological strategy, most growing companies today opt for mobile applications along with their existing conventional desktop systems.

Today users have been witnessing constant demand for Data visualization on Smart phones from all quarters of business spectrum. Whether you want to check the fluctuation sensor or analyze the data workflows of your enterprise on an immediate basis, Data analytics and BI reports on your mobile will help you out. Having visual form of BI reports at disposal helps users in keeping track of operations and making critical business decisions. Such platform integration relieves the users of unnecessary technical chores and guarantees user friendly application of Business intelligence through mobile phones.

Platform integration allows users to avail of highly beneficial services of Insurance application. The integrated insurance application offered by BTEEM ensures that all products of the customer are insuredwithout making agents to perform manual writing. This modern customer service tool certainly boosts your chances of expanding the customers
